Thursday February 22, 2024
12- 1 PM
Hinckley Institute of Politics,
260 South Central Campus Drive,
Room 2018,
Salt Lake City, UT, 84112
United States
Forum offered online and in the Hinckley Institute caucus room - Room 2018, Gardner Commons.
Join us for a conversation between Hinckley Institute Director Jason Perry and Utah Congressman Blake Moore. They will discuss Congressman Moore’s policy interests and legislative goals as well as his vision for the future of Utah. Congressman Moore was elected in 2020 and represents Utah’s First Congressional District which is home to the University of Utah and many of its students, staff, and faculty.
Pizza will be distributed to attendees at the beginning of the event. Please plan to arrive at the venue promptly.
The Hinckley Institute neither supports nor opposes the views expressed in this forum.