Hinckley Institute

Home DC Internships

The Hinckley Institute has been connecting students to internships with a variety of offices and industries in Washington, DC since 1965.

If you are interested or have questions that are not answered below, please contact Gina Shipley, Managing Director of DC Internships. 

We provide more than 100 students annually with full-time, paid internships in a variety of government institutions, public advocacy groups, and media/consulting firms.
Students apply to the Hinckley Institute program first and are then interviewed by the program director (see Application Process below).
Students must register for at least 3 hours of course credit, up to 12 hours. Graduate, honors and CEL credit available.
Housing is available to all DC interns at the Hinckley Institute's Orrin G. Hatch Center, centrally located in Dupont Circle.
The Hinckley Institute offers many scholarships for unpaid internship and has options for paid internships as well.

Deadline for 2025 Fall Semester is 3/15/25.

How To Become an Intern

Before we place you with an intern host office, you first have to apply to be a Hinckley DC Intern. These are the steps you will need to take during and after you click the Apply Now button to start your application.
After you are accepted to the DC Intern Program, you will be set up with host office interviews and need to complete the following:

Scholarships and Funding

The Hinckley Institute provides scholarships to all interns working in Washington, DC. The cost of housing at the Hatch Center in D.C. will cost you significantly less than a semester on main campus.

All interns receive a scholarship. Unpaid interns receive $1,000 academic scholarship and a $2,000 housing scholarship. Paid interns receive a $1,000 housing scholarship.
Apply for federal student aid by completing a FAFSA form. Contact the Financial Aid Office for more information.
Step Up funding supports U undergraduate students who take unpaid, or significantly underpaid, internships in the nonprofit or government sectors within the state of Utah.
Search for additional funding through the U’s scholarship database and access thousands of dollars in additional student aid.
Scholarship amounts for this program range from $500-$1,000 depending on the application and need assessment. Interns must apply two weeks before the internship start date.

Student Testimonials

Students who participate in a DC internship through the Hinckley Institute have the incredible opportunity to live and work in the nation's capital while earning real-world experience and college credit.

Gabe Moreno, Communications The National Park Service

“My experience as a Hinckley Intern in Washington D.C. was transformative. During my time at the National Park Service interning as a communication specialist, I had the opportunity to expand my network, gain new skills and add real-life experience to my resume. Being a Hinckley intern has provided me with a competitive edge and I feel confident heading into a career in the field of strategic communication and social impact. As I reflect on my time in our nation’s capital, I can’t help but to feel immense gratitude towards the Hinckley Institute and those supporting it. Ultimately, internships are investments in your future and the Hinckley Institute is instrumental in getting students full access to these investments.”

Ashtyn Hannon, Consumer and Community Studies Smithsonian American Art Museum

“Interning at the Smithsonian through the Hinckley Institute enhanced my college experience and career path dramatically. I did more than grow my network — I made life-long friends and my internship ended up turning into a full-time position! … I would highly recommend stepping outside of your comfort zone and taking advantage of the opportunities that Hinckley offers! The skills I gained while interning at the Smithsonian through Hinckley help me get into a master’s program at Columbia University.”

Bella Lopes, Health, Society and Policy US Department of Health and Human Services

“I am so happy that I had the opportunity to be an intern in Washington, DC! Having never done an internship before I was a little nervous about how everything would go. However, the Hinckley Institute did a wonderful job at informing what would occur during my internship and making it an easy transition. I had the opportunity to intern for Health and Human Services on the Strategic Planning team. There I had wonderful supervisors that gave me insight on projects, papers, and also navigating DC. I also made great friends as I interned for HHS and got to know the other Hinckley interns. I am grateful for the memories I've made and for the Hinckley Institute having offered such a wonderful experience that students can be a part of.”

Joshua Siler, Accounting American College of National Security Leaders

“I secured an internship through the help of the Hinckley Institute with the American College of National Security Leaders in Washington, D.C., a non-partisan group of retired Admirals, Generals, Ambassadors, Senior Government Executives, and Foreign Service Officers. Throughout this internship, I was mentored by a retired Rear Admiral and president of the ACNL, along with the numerous other fellows, who aided me in exploring countless career opportunities within government service and ultimately guided me to apply and secure an internship with the United States Southern Command HQ (USS UTHCOM) in Miami, FL. My Hinckley internship completely changed the direction of my career, transitioning from public accounting to government service and allowed me the opportunity to currently work at USSOUTHCOM in Counter Narco operations and with the 22 Security Cooperation Offices (SCOs) at our embassies in Latin and South America.”

Claudia Gonzalez, Marketing The Mitchell Group

"For my final semester at the U, I decided to complete a National Hinckley internship in Washington D.C. This was one of the best experiences of my entire collegiate career. I had the opportunity to work with an incredibly diverse and professional staff at the Mitchell Group, participate in United Nations Young Professionals conferences, and immerse myself in constant political discussions. As a marketing major, the office also provided advertising opportunities and a chance for me to be a part of revamping their company image. This allowed me to practice the branding and marketing lessons I have learned the past 4 years. I was able to grow, not only as a student, but as a member of our national and local community. Thanks to Hinckley I understand the impact I can have if I am determined and open to new experiences."

Michael Judson, Film & Media Arts/Political Science Young Professionals in Foreign Policy

“Spending the summer as a Hinckley Intern in Washington D.C. is one of the best decisions I have ever made! I interned at a nonprofit and specialized in communications and media, and as a double Political Science/Film & Media Arts major, I am so lucky to have had the opportunity to directly blend my two majors and gain experience in both. Through an internship, you truly gain valuable on the job experience, as well as expand your knowledge about a variety of real-world issues. I now know how to be more prepared to enter the workforce, what to study in my undergraduate program, and what aspects I desire in a career! I'm very thankful for my my internship experience with the Hinckley Institute.”

Miranda Jones, Psychology US Department of Health and Human Services

"When I first heard of the Hinckley Institute of Politics, I struggled to see a place for myself as a Psychology major because I thought that their internships were designed for Political Science majors. That could not have been further from the truth. First, every aspect of Psychology and mental health is inherently political. Second, I was able to work with the Department of Health and Human Services to develop skills in policy writing, health promotion, and even getting articles published in peer-reviewed journals. Whatever your career aspirations are, there is a Hinckley internship that will help to launch you to success."

Mitchell Kirkham, Biomedical Engineering Office of Senator Mike Lee, Washington, DC

"Being a National Hinckley Intern was an amazing experience for me! Coming from a background as a Pre-Medical student in Biomedical Engineering, I was able to see how politics and policy touches all fields of work directly as an intern on capitol hill. The Hinckley Institute gave me the tools I needed to enable me to enjoy my work as an intern for the US Senate and spend a semester in Washington DC. I recommend that students of all disciplines consider a Hinckley Internship, no matter what your expertise is, you will be able to offer a valuable contribution to those you serve!”

Zoe Wadge, Accounting The Mitchell Group

“My Hinckley internship was undoubtedly the most pertinent, and dear to my heart, experience in my undergraduate career. The Hinckley Institute of Politics enabled me to expand beyond my Accounting skillset and provided me with opportunities to become the caliber of applicant strongly considered by law schools all over the nation. Additionally, I built friendships and working relationships with individuals I hope to keep throughout the rest of my life, while pushing me to polish my professional presence and impact. The Hinckley Institute of Politics is also responsible for introducing me to the area of law I plan to study: international business, in order to work in the International Development sphere.”