Orrin G. Hatch Center
for Hinckley Interns
in Washington, DC
Starting in Spring 2024, Hinckley Interns will be housed in the new Orrin G. Hatch Center, located at 1529 18th Street, NW Washington, D.C. This new location will be able to house up to 50 students across five floors. There are 8 single bedrooms, 14 shared double bedrooms, and 5 shared triple bedrooms. The Hatch Center will be fully furnished and have kitchen basics. Other amenities include student lounges, counter seating, two rooftop terraces, televisions, and wi-fi.
The cost of housing at the Hatch Center in D.C. will cost you significantly less than a semester on main campus.
Rent includes all utilities and internet charges. The Hinckley Institute offers subsidized housing for all Hinckley interns registered for HNKLY credit, with costs that vary based on what type of room is selected.
Scholarships for Hinckley Interns:
- Unpaid interns receive an academic scholarship of $1,000 and a housing scholarship of $2,000.
*Scholarships are administered through the University of Utah Financial Aid & Scholarship Office and go towards tuition and fees. - Paid interns receive up to a $1,000 housing scholarship.
Current Room Rates
All semesters Fall, Spring Summer are the same rate
1 Person Bedroom
2 Person Bedroom
3 Person Bedroom