The Hinckley Journal of Politics seeks to publish student papers on a variety of policy and/or political perspectives. Encouraged topics include politics, government, international relations, societal issues, advocacy, and policy proposals. Submitted papers should address relevant issues by explaining key problems and examining potential solutions. Papers should include scholarly sources and supporting references. The Journal covers local, national, and international issues, and embraces diverse political perspectives.
The Journal is regarded as an impressive addition to an undergraduate’s resumé and, in addition to the physical copies that are distributed to the offices of Utah’s elected officials, it is catalogued in the Marriott Library’s digital archive for widespread access.
Apply for the Editorial Board
Each year between 12-15 students are selected to serve on the Journal’s editorial board. Students help review, debate, and select the submissions to be published in the upcoming edition.
This is a rich opportunity to see firsthand how an academic journal works and to participate in the process.
The editors will consider students who submit the following:
A cover letter detailing your reasons for wanting to participate on the editorial board
Contact information (name, full address, phone number, and email)
A current resume (no longer than one two-sided page) that details your education and employment history, speaks to your other campus involvement and extracurricular activities, and includes any other information relevant to this application
Students may submit a paper for consideration while also serving on the editorial board.
Submit Your Paper to the Journal
Open only to University of Utah students.
Submitted papers must have a cover page that includes:
Title of paper
Author’s name, full address, phone number, and email
Do NOT include the author’s name on any subsequent pages
The body of each submitted paper should:
Have page numbers, 12 point font, and one-inch margins
Use APA parenthetical references throughout and include a properly formatted bibliography
Be between 5-20 pages
Do not be discouraged from submitting if your paper is not quite polished as all papers will go through several rounds of peer editing. We encourage papers that examine the impact of a public policy or conduct a study on what the proposal of a new policy might result in.
Papers are expected to meet the general standards of academic scholarship. Please ensure that the tone, voice, format, references, and other elements employed in your paper are of academic quality. Submissions not meeting these guidelines may be returned for additional editing.
***ALL papers accepted for publication will be scanned with anti-plagiarism software***
After publication, the Hinckley Journal of Politics will be disseminated and read by Utah’s elected and appointed officials, educators, and fellow peers.
Application Deadline for 2024 passed.
Will reopen in spring of 2025.
Become a Journal Editor
Editors are responsible for reviewing and selecting editorial board members, directing marketing and advertising for paper submission, selecting and preparing research articles for publication, soliciting submissions from elected officials, producing the journal and composing a forward, and selecting the editors for the next year's journal.
The position is usually held by two students.
Editors are paid $10 per hour.