3 Credits • Fulfills CW Requirement
Class meets once a week
Students attend forums on Wednesday and Mondays
The Hinckley Institute’s Political Forum Series exposes students to critical ideas and discourse on local, national, and international affairs from experts in a variety of fields including academics, policy makers, journalists, and elected officials. Students will explore their own academic and professional interests by selecting the forums that interest them most, attending lectures, following current events, bolstering their reflective and critical writing skills, and engaging in discussion sessions.
Students are responsible for attending at least 10 Hinckley Forums throughout the semester and class meetings on Friday afternoons. Most forums will be scheduled during the noon hour on Monday and Wednesday; although, some forums may vary.

Develop professional writing skills while satisfying an upperdivision writing (CW) requirement — without writing lengthy papers!
"This class is perfect for anyone wanting to become a better communicator and navigate the professional world. I conquered my fear of public speaking while improving my ability to write effectively."