Hinckley Institute

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Our alumni and generous community are key to helping us keep scholarships available to our ambitious and talented students. We have an incredible group of former interns who have gone on to have wonderful careers and we hope that the Hinckley Institute played at least some part in crafting their journey. Our hope is that you might take a moment to reflect on the impact the Hinckley Institute made on your time as a student and help us in providing a similar experience to today's students.

Diana Smith, Peace and Conflict Studies

“I completed my internship with the Hinckley Institute through the United Nations Women chapter in Salt Lake City, Utah. I served on the board and created and spearheaded a fundraiser in our Women Empowerment event. This internship has benefited me tremendously and I am still networking years after my internship. It is because of this generous institution I have completed an internship with the ACLU in Washington D.C. and attended United Nations events, while additionally writing official reports for the United Nations.”

Deron Parcell, Business Entrepreneurship

“I interned in Barcelona, Spain with a music startup called Playmoss. Here, I garnered an assortment of entrepreneurial skills and insights and was fortunate to immerse myself in the venture-building community. My role exposed me to investors, industry experts, entrepreneurs, and collaborators who share the desire to affect change in the world. My experience throughout my Hinckley Internship left a profound impact on my character, career, and perception of the world. This opportunity opened my life to a world of different cultures, communities, businesses, and people which broadened my outlook on problem solving. Following this experience, I was confident in my abilities to manage adversity, seek diversity, and grow interpersonally. I am eternally grateful for my internship and for the various resources and people it brought into my life, I am forever shaped by this program, and am humbled to say I am an alumni of the Hinckley Global Internship program.”

Thaiss Del Rio, Sociology

“During my time as an intern at the State Legislature, I gained valuable research, communication, and leadership skills that will assist me as I continue with my academic journey and beyond. Most importantly, I learned the power that exists in our voices when we as a community speak up about issues that we care about and impact us. Public input and participation is crucial!”

Gabe Moreno, Communications

“My experience as a Hinckley Intern in Washington, D.C. was transformative. During my time at the National Park Service interning as a communication specialist, I’ve had the opportunity to expand my network, gain new skills and add real-life experience to my resume. Being a Hinckley intern has provided me with a competitive edge and I feel confident heading into a career in the field of strategic communication and social impact. I feel immense gratitude towards the Hinckley Institute and those supporting it. I would not have been able to take full advantage of this opportunity without the generous scholarship provided by the Hinckley.”

Blake Hrubes, International Studies

“As a Hinckley Global intern, I was fortunate to have worked for the Southern Institute of Social Sciences in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. This opportunity allowed me to develop not only professionally, but personally. This experience could not have been possible without the Hinckley scholarship. My internship allowed me to develop my skill set, network and confidence. These newly developed strengths enabled me to strive for opportunities that I never thought would be possible. I am now back in Southeast Asia, working for the United Nations. I get to work with people from all over the world while promoting sustainable development goals. Without the Hinckley institute, their professional, educational, and financial support from scholarships, I would not be where I am today.”

Claudia Gonzalez, Marketing

My Hinckley internship in Washington, D.C. was one of the best experiences of my entire college career. I had the opportunity to work with an incredibly diverse and professional staff at the Mitchell Group, participate in United Nations Young Professionals conferences, and immerse myself in constant political discussions. As a marketing major, the office also provided advertising opportunities and a chance for me to be a part of revamping their company image. This allowed me to practice the branding and marketing lessons I have learned over the past 4 years. I was able to grow, not only as a student, but as a member of our national and local community. Thanks to Hinckley I understand the impact I can have if I am determined and open to new experiences.”

Anthony Fratto-Oyler, Political Science and Chemical Engineering

“The Hinckley helped me become a better student and a better student leader. The internships I had gave me a lot of responsibility that translated into real-life skills that I used throughout undergrad. Hinckley made all the difference in my competitiveness for grad school. I never ever imagined I could get into MIT for an Engineering masters. But I know what helped me stand out was that I wasn't a normal engineering student. I was involved heavily on campus as a student leader, thanks to Hinckley, and I had great internship experience with places like the Governor’s state energy office and the Interior Department in D.C. My graduate program was all about combining the quantitative with that of economics, law, and policy. My time at the U, thanks to my Chemical Engineering program and the Hinckley provided the perfect fit for me to go forward and do that.”

Alexander Norton III, Political Science and Voice

“I participated in a National Hinckley internship for the Office of Sen. Mike Lee in Washington, DC. My time there taught me how to be confident with not only the quality of my work but also with myself. I learned how to navigate a stressful work environment, market myself, and perform well at the same time. These skills translated well into my vocal performance studies because as an artist. I do all three things constantly!”

Ashtyn Hannon, Consumer and Community Studies

“Interning at the Smithsonian through the Hinckley Institute enhanced my college experience and career path dramatically. I did more than grow my network—I made life-long friends, and my internship ended up turning into a full-time position! My experience at the Smithsonian’s Anacostia Community Museum was incredibly rewarding. I grew as a person as I experienced different communities and applied concepts from my major to the real world. I would highly recommend stepping outside of your comfort zone and taking advantage of the opportunities that Hinckley offers! The skills I gained while interning at the Smithsonian through Hinckley helped me get into a master’s program at Columbia University.”

Sierra Marty, Political Science

“I participated in a local internship for a Salt Lake City Mayoral Campaign. This internship offered me new experiences, important professional relationships, and an extensive back-stage knowledge of municipal elections and the city I hope to start my professional career in. I've been able to enhance my skills in things like social media management, event planning, fundraising, organizing volunteers, policy research, and literally a million other things because campaigns are so fluid and involving. On top of that, I've been able to connect with and form lasting relationships with other candidates, campaign staff, city officials, and influential members of the community. Thanks to the Hinckley Institute of Politics, I was lucky to have this opportunity and am walking away knowing how important it is to be actively engaged in city politics and municipal elections.”

Alejandro Sanchez, Political Science and International Studies

“I did an internship in Washington, D.C at the office of Senator Mitt Romney this past spring 2020. It was a very interesting semester to be there because that is when the impeachment proceedings were taking place in the U.S Senate and shortly after is when Covid-19 hit as a global pandemic. I was able to learn about the proceedings of congress as well to learn the story of the capitol. I encourage every student to do an internship in a field that they are interested the most. Not only this will lead to life-long connections, but also opportunities to work in the future.”

Aila Amer, Communications

“I was honored to be one of the recipients of a Hinckley Institute Scholarship. Thanks to their generous support, I was able to complete my education and do two local internships, with both the Salt Lake City Mayor’s Office and the Utah office of then Senator Orrin Hatch. I am a first generation college student, and growing up in a less-privileged culture helped me realize the value of a college education and the importance of internship experiences.”