Hinckley Institute

10.30.23 Pigskins, Politics, and Plato

Monday, October 30, 2023

12- 1 PM

Hinckley Institute of Politics,
260 South Central Campus Drive,
Room 2018,
Salt Lake City, UT, 84112
United States


Pigskins, Politics, and Plato: An Open Forum with National Football League SVP and former Barack Obama Communications Director Katie Hill

Forum offered online and in the Hinckley Institute caucus room - Room 2018, Gardner Commons.


  • Katie Hill
    • Former Barack Obama
      Communications Director
      and Current Senior
      Vice-President for the
      National Football League


Katie Hill is senior vice president of communications at the National Football League, directing global communications strategy and media relations for America’s most popular sport. Previously, she was communications director for President Barack Obama from 2017-2021, helping guide President Obama’s public profile in his post-presidency, from his public appearances to his political campaigning to the launch of his memoir. She served in the Obama administration from 2014-2017, first as national press secretary at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services before joining the White House as assistant press secretary and spokesperson for a variety of domestic policy areas, including health care, education and veterans. She has also worked on Capitol Hill, on political campaigns, and at a public relations firm. She was named to Outsports’ “Power 100” list in 2023 and selected as one of OUT Magazine’s “Out 100” honorees in 2016. A Nashville native, Hill majored in classics (ancient Greek) and minored in art history at the University of Virginia as an Echols Scholar. She lives in Manhattan with her wife, Andrea.



Pizza will be distributed to attendees at the beginning of the event. Please plan to arrive at the venue promptly.


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