Hinckley Institute

04.08.24 Beyond Profit: How Business can Restore Social Connectedness

April 8, 2024

12- 1 PM

Welcome Center Auditorium
260 South Central Campus Drive,
Room 2018,
Salt Lake City, UT, 84112
United States


Forum offered online and in the Hinckley Institute caucus room - Room 2018, Gardner Commons.


This forum will delve into the pivotal role that business can play in doing social good and revitalizing social bonds. When both individuals and institutions—most especially business institutions—are given the means and vision to reconnect with their core values, it puts us on a path to shared prosperity.



  • Professor Michael J. Stevens
    • Brady Presidential Distinguished Professor of Leadership and a Buehler Research Fellow at the Goddard School of Business & Economics at Weber State University;
      Founding partner of the Kozai Group, Inc., which is a global leadership development and assessment consultancy.
    • Learn more


  • Dr. John P. Barbuto, University of Utah
    • Department of Family and Preventive Medicine - Division of Public Health at the University of Utah;
      President of the University Faculty Club.

Full Description:
Since the early 1970s, American society has relentlessly embraced the philosophy of “shareholder capitalism,” which has directly compromised the strength and vitality of our shared communities and institutions essential to make “the good life” possible. At the causal heart of this loss lies the elevation of financial means to the status of terminal value, with unfortunate—but very predictable—unintended consequences, including heightened income inequality, the rise of corruption across nearly all walks of public life, and a general loss of trust in the expectation that being a good citizen puts us on a path to shared prosperity. However, despite the present gloom, there is a clear and straightforward way out of our current trajectory. When both individuals and institutions—most especially business institutions—are given the means and vision to reconnect with their core values and to build character rooted in the “resume virtues,” the results are both optimistic and highly invigorating. The essential message is that by enumerating the vision and method of this simple road map, its restorative capacity can be leveraged to help us achieve both individual and collective flourishing.


Pizza will be distributed to attendees at the beginning of the event. Please plan to arrive at the venue promptly.

The Hinckley Institute neither supports nor opposes the views expressed in this forum.