Hinckley Institute

04.10.24 Good News for the Planet: Conservation, Education, and Art

April 10, 2024

12- 1 PM

Hinckley Institute of Politics,
260 South Central Campus Drive,
Room 2018,
Salt Lake City, UT, 84112
United States


Forum offered online and in the Hinckley Institute caucus room - Room 2018, Gardner Commons.


Climate change and environmental resilience are serious topics—topics that can instill fear and uncertainty about our future. Headlines, articles and features that highlight impending crises are abundant while content that inspires climate hope is hard to come by. While our situation is serious, maintaining hope is essential for our path forward.

Presented as part of 2024 Earth Month, this event will highlight some of the incredible work being done on our campus, in our community and beyond to address climate change and build a more resilient environment. The truth is, there is reason to hope. And with that hope, we can each continue the fight for a better future.



  • Esther Mathieu - Artist; Environmental Humanities Graduate Student
  • Logan Mitchell - Climate Scientist and Energy Analyst, Utah Clean Energy; Affiliated Faculty at the University of Utah
  • Bill Newmark - Research curator and conservation biologist, Natural History Museum of Utah
  • Muskan Walia - Undergraduate Student; Environmental Humanities Community Practitioner in Residence


  • Lisa Thompson, Exhibit Developer/Interpretive Planner, Natural History Museum of Utah



Pizza will be distributed to attendees at the beginning of the event. Please plan to arrive at the venue promptly.

The Hinckley Institute neither supports nor opposes the views expressed in this forum.