Monday, August 21, 2023
12:30 - 2 PM
Hinckley Institute of Politics,
260 South Central Campus Drive,
Room 2018,
Salt Lake City, UT, 84112
United States
This event is presented as part of the Sutherland Institute's 2023 Congressional Series.
Come hear from Senator Mitt Romney at this special Hinckley forum. Senator Romney will discuss America’s economic challenges and opportunities, focusing on pressing topics like supply chains, China, AI, inflation, and a possible recession.
Following Senator Romney's remarks, there will be an expert panel discussion,
- Beth Aker, American Enterprise Institute Economic Fellow
- Peter Philips, Labor Economist and University of Utah Professor of Economics
Moderated by:
- Nic Dunn, Vice President of Strategy & Communications, The Sutherland Institute
The Hinckley Institute neither supports nor opposes the views expressed in this forum.